Wasabi ExpressPlay SDK for Embedded Systems  1.10
Data Fields
WSB_MediaSourceListenerInterface Struct Reference

#include <WsbMediaAccess.h>

Data Fields

void(* OnEvent )(const WSB_MediaSourceListener *self, const WSB_MediaSourceEvent *event)
 This callback function is called for every event processed while calling WSB_MediaSource_Advance(). More...

Field Documentation

void(* WSB_MediaSourceListenerInterface::OnEvent)(const WSB_MediaSourceListener *self, const WSB_MediaSourceEvent *event)

This callback function is called for every event processed while calling WSB_MediaSource_Advance().

Based on the event type (the 'type' field of the WSB_MediaSourceEvent struct), the event pointer can be type-cast to a more specific structure that will contain event-type-specific fields. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_STATE_CHANGED point to a WSB_MediaSourceStateChangedEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_PRESENTATION point to a WSB_MediaSourcePresentationEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_PERIOD point to a WSB_MediaSourcePeriodEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_INIT_SEGMENT point to a WSB_MediaSourceInitSegmentEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_MEDIA_SEGMENT point to a WSB_MediaSourceMediaSegmentEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_MEDIA_DATA point to a WSB_MediaSourceMediaDataEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_SEEK_DONE point to a WSB_MediaSourceSeekDoneEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_START_DONE point to a WSB_MediaSourceStartDoneEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_STOP_DONE point to a WSB_MediaSourceStopDoneEvent struct. Events of type WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_FLUSH_DONE point to a WSB_MediaSourceFlushDoneEvent struct.

Note that the number of commands issued and the number of the corresponding 'done' events may not match. For example, 10 Stop() invocations may result in as many as 10 or as few as 1 WSB_MEDIA_SOURCE_EVENT_STOP_DONE events.

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