Wasabi ExpressPlay SDK for Embedded Systems  1.10
Data Fields
WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo Struct Reference

Media information, used to convey, amongst other things, the codec information for downloaded media buffers. More...

#include <WsbMediaAccess.h>

Data Fields

WSB_MediaType type
WSB_UInt32 format
WSB_UInt64 media_duration
WSB_UInt32 media_timescale
WSB_Size codec_info_size
const unsigned char * codec_info

Detailed Description

Media information, used to convey, amongst other things, the codec information for downloaded media buffers.

Field Documentation

const unsigned char* WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo::codec_info
WSB_Size WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo::codec_info_size
WSB_UInt32 WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo::format
WSB_UInt64 WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo::media_duration
WSB_UInt32 WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo::media_timescale
WSB_MediaType WSB_MediaSourceMediaInfo::type

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: