Simply Secure

3 lines of code and you’re done.

In a simple case, drop in three lines of code to enable protected playback in your app.

init = EXP_Initialize(^(result) {[alert show]});

player = [[EXP_MoviePlayerController alloc] initWithProtectedContentURL:
url type: WSB_PPMST_DASH];

[player play];


The iOS and Android SDKs are ‘hardened’ with Cryptanium tamper resistance technology. This ensures that your app has a secure playback pipeline which is extremely difficult to modify or circumvent.

Everything you need is in one easy package. We also provide a test version of the SDK with free unlimited test tokens. You can develop under the free trial, then pick a service plan once you're ready to ship your app.

SDK for iOS

Designed to work with the Xcode development environment, the ExpressPlay SDK for iOS provides an easy to use framework for integrating ExpressPlay into your iOS app. The ExpressPlay SDK for iOS also accepts native iOS player resolution for the best possible video performance.

See the Developer Center for more info.

SDK for Android

The ExpressPlay SDK for Android is ready for the Eclipse development environment. The ExpressPlay SDK for Android is designed to work smoothly with the Android media player stack.

See the Developer Center for more info.

SDK for Windows

The ExpressPlay SDK for Windows is a DLL which provides secure MP4, DASH and HLS playback using a software-accelerated H.264 decoder.

See the Developer Center for more info.


The ExpressPlay SDK for OS X is a Cocoa framework with support for secure MP4, DASH and HLS playback using a software-accelerated H.264 decoder.

See the Developer Center for more info.

Source SDK

The ExpressPlay Source SDK is available for embedded development on Linux and other platforms. The Source SDK includes the client source code allowing complete configuration and compilation options.

See the Developer Center for more info.