Wasabi ExpressPlay SDK for Desktop Systems  1.10
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCSHI_AttributeValueAttribute value
oCSHI_ByteArrayAn untyped array of bytes
oCSHI_DataAnyStructure used solely to be the first entry in the SHI_DataValue union type in order to allow static initialization of SHI_DataValue variables, because ISO C only allows static initializers to initialize the first entry in a union
oCSHI_DataValueUnion of different possible types of values encapsulated by a SHI_Data object
oCSHI_DateTimeA date and time
oCSHI_EngineConfigConfiguration passed as an argument to the SHI_Engine_Create factory function
oCSHI_EngineEventInformation about an event received by a SHI_EngineListener
oCSHI_EngineEventInfoItemA single event information item
oCSHI_EngineEventInfoItemsList of event information items
oCSHI_EngineListenerRecipient of event callbacks
oCSHI_EngineListenerInterfaceInterface implemented by an application in order to receive event notifications from a SHI_Engine
oCSHI_LicenseDataReceivedEventEvent data for all SHI_ENGINE_EVENT_LICENSE_DATA_RECEIVED events
oCSHI_RegistrationDataManagerInterface implemented and passed to SHI_Engine_ProcessServiceTokenEx to modify where the SDK should get the personality and nodes from and where to save nodes and links
oCSHI_ResourceTyped resource
oCSHI_ServiceInfoInformation about a service
oCSHI_ServiceSubscriptionInfoInformation about a service subscription
oCSHI_ServiceUserInfoInformation about a service user
oCSHI_TransactionEndEventEvent data for SHI_ENGINE_EVENT_TRANSACTION_END events
oCSHI_TransactionEventEvent data for all events related to transactions
oCSHI_TransactionProgressEventEvent data for SHI_ENGINE_EVENT_TRANSACTION_PROGRESS events
oCSHI_TransactionResultResult of a transaction
oCSHI_TypedObjectPointer to an object with a specific interface
oCSHI_TypedPointerPointer to a typed data structure
oCSHI_ValueArrayArray of values
oCWSB_AudioMediaInfoInformation about audio media
oCWSB_ByteArrayAn untyped array of bytes
oCWSB_ComponentInfoInformation that may be obtained about a component
oCWSB_DateTimeA date and time
oCWSB_FileProgressFile progress information
oCWSB_MediaInfoInformation about a media file
oCWSB_MediaStream_FormatInfoSource data format information
oCWSB_Player_AckEventEvent data for reporting a successful command execution
oCWSB_Player_BufferingNotificationEventEvent data for reporting the number of buffer bytes available versus the number needed
oCWSB_Player_DecoderEventNotificationEventEvent data for reporting a decoder event type and error details
oCWSB_Player_DecoderStateNotificationEventEvent data for reporting a new decoder state
oCWSB_Player_DecodingErrorDetailsError code and message for a decoder event notification
oCWSB_Player_DRMStateNotificationEventEvent data for reporting the DRM state
oCWSB_Player_EventStructure used as the base for all event structures
oCWSB_Player_EventListenerThis structure pairs a listener instance value with a function pointer for receiving events
oCWSB_Player_GotoUrlNotificationEventEvent data for reporting a URL to which the player was directed
oCWSB_Player_NackEventEvent data for reporting failure of a requested command
oCWSB_Player_PongNotificationEventEvent data for reporting that the decoder sent a pong reply in response to a ping
oCWSB_Player_PropertyNotificationEventEvent data for reporting information about a property
oCWSB_Player_StreamInfoNotificationEventEvent data for reporting information about a stream, and the update mask
oCWSB_Player_StreamPositionNotificationEventEvent data for reporting a seek to a particular position
oCWSB_Player_StreamTimeCodeNotificationEventEvent data for reporting a seek to a particular time in a media presentation
oCWSB_Player_VolumeNotificationEventEvent data for reporting a volume change
oCWSB_ResultExplanationStructure that will be populated and returned by WSB_ExplainResult function
oCWSB_RightsEnabler_EventStructure used as the base for all event structures
oCWSB_RightsEnabler_EventListenerThis struct pairs a listener instance value with a function pointer for receiving events
oCWSB_RightsEnabler_GotoURLEventEvent data for reporting that the Rights Enabler has been directed to a service for obtaining needed rights
oCWSB_RightsEnabler_LicenseEventEvent data for reporting a license that was found and evaluated
oCWSB_RightsEnabler_TransactionEventEvent data for reporting that a service transaction has been initiated in an attempt to obtain rights
oCWSB_TimeCodeA timecode suitable for media stream position
\CWSB_VideoMediaInfoInformation about video media